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Mariposa Club Apartments

  • 660 Mariposa Avenue (map)
City Mountain View
Units 48
Additional Info

In addition to the general population, this property also specifically serves people who are developmentally disabled.

When selecting residents, this property gives preference to those who work or live in Mountain View.

StudioWaitlist Open

Minimum Occupancy: 1 person
Maximum Occupancy: 2 people
Income bracket Min income (per year) Max income (per year) Rent (per month)
80% AMI $68,100

Calculated as 2.5 times yearly rent

$92,250 to $105,400

Household of 1: $92,250
Household of 2: $105,400


1 BedroomWaitlist Open

Minimum Occupancy: 1 person
Maximum Occupancy: 3 people
Income bracket Min income (per year) Max income (per year) Rent (per month)
80% AMI $77,760

Calculated as 2.5 times yearly rent

$92,250 to $118,600

Household of 1: $92,250
Household of 2: $105,400
Household of 3: $118,600


2 BedroomWaitlist Open

Minimum Occupancy: 2 people
Maximum Occupancy: 5 people
Income bracket Min income (per year) Max income (per year) Rent (per month)
80% AMI $87,210

Calculated as 2.5 times yearly rent

$105,400 to $182,000

Household of 2: $105,400
Household of 3: $118,600
Household of 4: $131,750
Household of 5: $182,000


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